
Best and meaningful end of the book

Best and meaningful end of the book

The ending pull the time back to the present. Olivia died by overdose so they finally meet again. Be with together once again, ending at “me and you” is kind of recalling of the whole book.

This ending is my favorite as well as Lorenzo's. It’s simple, surprised and meaningful.  No matter with what Olivia overdose or their promised, even the death of Olivia has impact a lot. Though the ending of book is very simple, we can find that Lorenzo would not be lonely since the ski week end.

Actually Lorenzo didn’t keep the promise. He met Olivia again after she had dead. So they didn’t stay together again.

We don’t know what overdose led Olivia died, maybe the sleeping pills but I prefer the drugs overdose. She died ten years later, if she could not bear the pain from the after taste of drugs, she would try to kill herself earlier. But it’s possible if she overdose the drugs during the ten years. Now we know, none of them kept the promise.

Olivia keep Lorenzo’s phone number forever: “Your sister’s purse had a little piece of paper with you number on it.” ( author # 152). But she never call him. She had no brave to call him because she took drugs again. She doesn’t want to lose her brother so she kept “him” into her pocket. Lorenzo may don’t know she took again but he didn’t need her any more, he became a normal person after Olivia left.

Compare with Grandma and Olivia. Grandma death may be a terrible scene, because when she dying, she was ugly: “ A pile of bones covered by…” ( author # 117). But Olivia must be died in peace: “ She looks like she’s sleeping.” ( author # 153). Before Lorenzo be normal, his Grandma was his only shelter. He didn’t want her die. But when he see Olivia died, he just peaceful and love her, he even didn’t know her had died. It’s totally different between Grandma and Olivia because he had been different. The difference between Grandma and Olivia impacts Lorenzo had been normal.

I don’t respect that Lorenzo and Olivia would have better relationship and keep in touch each other after she left. Drugs is not easy to give up, and promise with little kid is powerless. It didn’t change Olivia but Lorenzo, he would play with the other kids, like “Fantastic Four”. He would not need Olivia to be his shelter to instead his dying Grandma, he would not need any single person any more because he had every body in the world if he wants since ski week ended.

First I read this book, I found that I just as same as Lorenzo: I trick others, do not play with them, do my own business and beat someone if they annoy me. We also can’t learn ourselves, I can know others very well but me, I don’t know what kind of people I actually am. I read the book again and again, finally I know, I need to talk to others, I need to trust others. When I communicating with others, It’s discovering myself.


Chapters 5 and 6 answer the questions.

We know that Lorenzo dose not like stay with "others", every person except his mother, father and grandma. In chapter 2, we know he tried his best to escape others. And in the chapter 4, he called Olivia as "half-sister". In chapter 6, the end of page 96, his said: "I don't know her." It shows he added his sister to the " Others List". This is the one of the reasons that he didn't allow his sister to stay.

"Ski week" is a awesome chance that he can stay alone. He had planed it for a while. In the basement with nobody, he can stay alone, play games, read book or let his imagination ran away ( Chapter 3 ). It's almost like his dream. But his sister just like a person can mess everything up. Nobody will allow someone to destroy their dream. It's another reason I found.

I think when he put his headphones on and switch on his play station, it's kind of be in his place. Because at that time, he can ignore everything. He will only fix on the games or music which can leave him alone ( Chapter 3, 5, 6 ). And it is way that he ignore his sister, too.

The first time he agree his sister to stay because his sister tried to wake all buildings up, it would let everybody including his mother know Lorenzo hided in the basement instead of taking the ski week ( Chapter 5 ). His mother would take him to the psychologist again to find out why Lorenzo has lied to her( It's an implied information from Chapter 6, the beginning of the page 97 ). The second time, he needed his sister to pretend as Alessia's mother to answer the phone which called by Lorenzo's mother. Or he will be discovered that he didn't go to the ski week. And if he has wanted his sister to help him, he must allowed his sister to stay ( Chapter 6 ).

At first he read about a letter that Olivia wrote to their father. She said she don't want his money anymore but care. He actually didn't understand, he thought Olivia got misunderstanding of their father ( Chapter 5 ). But this made him know more about his sister. And it help him understand his sister's pain from their parents.

And then, his sister explained him what is residual life estate means. His sister explained it just like she had been living like this for a long time (Actually she did, she found that when she was explaining, and then got shock. ). He didn't notice that but he thought this kind of life is horrible ( Chapter 6 ). When he understood his sister had lived like this, he began to feel sorry and wanted to help her.

His sister got illness, malaria, wasn't catching. When he found out this had gone really serious but nobody cared, he began to understand all the stuffs on Olivia. She was the person without love from her parents ( Chapter 6 ) . She's illness is painful, couldn't share and hurt not in body but nervous. So he began to feel sorry and help her.